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Kids Playing with Lego
Image by Jason Goodman
Team work

Parent Coaching


Behavior analysts at Born to Blossom provide evidence-based parent coaching sessions either independent of or in conjunction with focused or comprehensive intervention services. Parent coaching is provided on a weekly basis by the BCaBA or BCBA assigned to the case and consists of a variety of training topics, individualized for the needs of the family seeking services. Structured parent coaching curricula are also utilized to ensure efficient training on ABA, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and to teach the caregivers how to utilize strategies to assist the family unit in navigating daily life. 

Focused Intervention


Focused intervention services are typically specialized, shorter-term, less intense services that are aimed at identifying and treating a limited number of targets. Focused intervention typically occurs for 10-25 hours per week, however, the identified behavior targets ultimately inform the dose of treatment. Examples of focused intervention cases include: treatment of phobias (i.e. blood/needle phobia, dentist/doctor visit phobia, etc.), social skills training, targeted reduction of less severe maladaptive behaviors, or teaching adaptive and daily living skills. 

Comprehensive Intervention


Comprehensive intervention services are intensive, longer-term treatment that encompasses a variety of domains. Intervention occurs between 30-40 hours per week, depending on the identified targets for intervention. Severe maladaptive behavior typically requires a higher dosage of intensive treatment to identify environmental factors and to provide comprehensive skill-based treatment. Examples of comprehensive intervention targets include: functional communication training (FCT), reduction in severe barrier behaviors such as physical aggression, self-injurious behaviors, elopement, etc., delay and denial tolerance procedures, and school readiness. 

Staff/Agency Training


Behavior analysts at Born to Blossom have a love and passion for the field and the impact that it can have on individuals when implemented in a trauma-informed, effective manner. Schools, agencies, individual practitioners, etc., can reach out to the team for training in areas such as functional communication training, ABA basics, mix and vary/card sort systems, and data collection/analysis among others.

Consultative Services


Born to Blossom provides consultative services to outside agencies when cases require a specialized lens, such as when the individual is engaging in challenging barrier behaviors, has complex communication needs, or any time the agency wants or needs additional support. This can be provided as a standalone service or in conjunction with staff training to equip the agency to navigate similar challenges in the future. 

We believe that every individual is Born to Blossom.

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